Veneers or laminates are custom-made shell-like ceramic porcelain item, made to be placed on teeth surfaces to give you a radiant and natural-looking smile. These objects are effective alternatives to crowns, bridges and implants. They provide strong and durable aesthetic solutions for those who are having chipped, discoloured, gapped or uneven teeth. Veneers have a longer life expectancy and colour stability than bonding and resist permanent staining from coffee, tea or tobacco use. They usually last about 10-15 years, after that period they are needed to be replaced.
Tooth n Care is renowned for offering exceptional dental veneer and laminate services in East Maitland. These are typically fitted over the course of 2 visits. During the 1st visit, our dentist will examine your teeth to determine if veneers are the appropriate solution for you. This process is essential as veneers are not suitable for everyone (e.g. people who grind their teeth or have unhealthy teeth with extensive decay and a weak structure are unsuitable for veneers).
During tooth preparation, a local anesthetic may be given to ensure the treatment is painless. In order to place the veneer on the tooth, some part of enamel may be removed from the tooth surface to ensure that the veneer can be bonded to the tooth without looking too bulky. The tooth shape gets modified, thus an impression is taken of the tooth. You may be given temporary veneer while the tooth impression is sent to the laboratory for veneer fabrication. At the second or final “bonding” visit, the veneer is checked for fit and colour before being permanently bonded to the tooth using special light-activated adhesives.
Get your confident smile back with Veneers.
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