Wisdom Teeth Surgery in Louth Park

 in Louth Park

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last teeth to erupt. These teeth can prove to be an asset other times, but the problem with third molars is that if they do not erupt properly or are misaligned, they need to be extracted. If they are poorly aligned, then they can damage the adjacent teeth. We, at tooth and care, have the experience and expertise to provide you with comfortable, state-of-the-art care. We offer the best wisdom teeth surgery in Louth Park. Our solutions ensure that we can address the needs of every member of your family. If you or your teenager has concerns with your wisdom teeth, we can evaluate the problem and perform an extraction if we feel that it is necessary. We perform the best in class wisdom teeth surgery in Louth Park.

Why is the removal of wisdom teeth required? 

 Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars that appear in the back of your mouth. If you don’t have the proper space or an infection crops in, wisdom teeth are recommended to be removed to avoid further complications. If left untreated, you may damage neighbouring teeth or experience pain. We, at tooth and care, offer the best wisdom teeth extraction surgery in Louth Park.

Reasons that may necessitate a wisdom teeth extraction include -

  • Predisposition to gum disease and tooth decay
  • Impacted teeth
  • Partial eruptions
  • Crowded teeth

Wisdom teeth have a high risk of infection and this is likely to spread to the healthy surrounding teeth. In case of infection, we recommend wisdom teeth surgery following the tooth extraction.

Our procedure for wisdom tooth removal 

The wisdom tooth removal process depends upon the stage in which your wisdom teeth are. It is easy to extract wisdom teeth if it has fully erupted. But if the tooth is impacted by other surrounding teeth then it will require an incision in the gums. Usually, the tooth is extracted in parts to minimize the amount of bone required to be extracted for tooth removal. We, at tooth and care, offer the best and effective wisdom teeth surgery in Louth Park.

Post Wisdom Tooth removal

  • Avoid vigorous rinsing and touching the area
  • If you start feeling discomfort take the prescribed medicines
  • A certain amount of bleeding is expected, however, if the bleeding exceeds then visit your dentist immediately
  • Swelling around mouth and cheeks is common for a couple of days
  • Be on a liquid diet for the first few days. Avoid the use of straw
  • Do brush twice a day but make sure you are gentle on rinsing

To make an appointment: Call us now 02 4933 4667

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FAQ's on Conventional Dental Braces

Wisdom tooth removal is a simple, routine surgical procedure that can be performed comfortably in one office visit. It can be removed either via simple wisdom tooth extraction or in the case of an impacted wisdom tooth it can be removed via a wisdom tooth surgery. In the case of simple wisdom tooth extraction, the wisdom tooth is extracted without any need for surgery and the procedure is done under local anesthesia. In an impacted wisdom tooth or difficult wisdom tooth extraction, wisdom tooth surgery is performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia. In local anesthesia, the surgeon will administer local anesthetic and proceed with the surgery once the surgical site is numb. An incision will be made at the surgical site and the bone and tooth exposed. The bone may need to be removed in some cases to enable the wisdom tooth to be elevated and the wisdom tooth may need to be sectioned or cut to facilitate the removal. Once the impacted wisdom tooth is successfully delivered, the surgical site will be irrigated and cleansed.
Our dentist will take a dental X-ray and perform thorough examination so as to assess the condition of your wisdom teeth and make recommendations on whether they should be removed. An x-ray will confirm the number of wisdom teeth in a person’s mouth, indicate whether any of these teeth are unerupted and allows full radiographic examination of the upper and lower jaw architecture and all the existing teeth. The risks and benefits of wisdom teeth removal will be explained and discussed.
Impacted wisdom tooth may grow at a wrong angle and into neighboring tooth or stop growing while only partially emerged from the gum. This can result in pain and swelling if infected or tooth decay due to trapped food. The damage may extend to the adjacent healthy teeth and the surrounding jawbones. Impacted wisdom teeth can also develop into cysts, abscess and tumors.
It is common for an impacted wisdom tooth to show no significant symptoms and it is difficult to predict when an impacted tooth may cause problems, which normally happens later in life. Very often, we see the condition of the good tooth in front of an impacted wisdom tooth deteriorate due to the position of the wisdom tooth. If the wisdom tooth is deeply embedded, it may be possible to leave it and review with x-rays regularly. An asymptomatic deeply embedded wisdom tooth may turn into a cyst and will require a more extensive surgery to remove the tooth.
It is recommended that wisdom teeth are removed during teenage years or in the early 20s. People in this age group recover faster.
The procedure normally takes approximately 15 to 45 minutes, including preparation time.
It is a safe procedure. Due to the location of the wisdom teeth, a rare complication is numbness of the tongue, lip or chin. This happens very rarely and when it does it is usually temporary.
Wisdom teeth are usually non-functional. You will not suffering from lack of chewing ability because of wisdom teeth removal.
You can resume normal daily activities within a few hours.
In some cases, you may experience some swelling and mild discomfort. It is crucial to take the prescribed medication and following our post-surgery care instructions for a speedy recovery.
  • Infection: Most are minor and will subside with local incision and drainage, and antibiotics. The whole course of antibiotics should be completed.
  • Tooth root fracture: The roots may be retrieved or left in situ. The dentist may decide to leave the root in situ if there is no pathology or if the root is very close to the nerve or at an unfavourable anatomical site.
  • Dry socket: This occurs when blood clot is dislodged from the extraction site and bone is exposed in the early healing stage. It is usually seen in women on oral contraceptive pills and smokers. If you experience a constant throbbing pain that lasts for many days, contact the dentist.
  • Numbness or altered sensation: An impacted lower wisdom tooth may be close to the nerve. When the nerve is injured during extraction, it will usually heal. Bruising of the nerve may cause numbness, tingling and loss of feeling in teeth, lips, cheeks, tongue, chin and gum and it may be temporary or permanent.
  • Displaced tooth: In some cases, an impacted tooth may be displaced into the sinus and the different spaces around the jaw.
  • Jaw fracture
Please refer to Oral Surgery: Post-Surgery Care

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